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FL48-8062 AV-8B Corrected 300 Gallon Fuel Tanks

FL48-8062 AV-8B Corrected 300 Gallon Fuel Tanks

SKU: fl48-8062-av-8b corrected 300 gallon fuel tanks

This set includes two (2) fuel tanks, each made up of three (3) parts. Tanks are hollow with keyed tail sections for port and starboard configurations. 

Based on the AERO-1D, these tanks feature details unique to those carried by the AV-8B and are the only accurate tanks for the Harrier available. 

CAD by Richard VanZandt

** While care is taken to ensure perfect prints, some light sanding with a 600 or higher grit soft sanding stick (those produced by Infini are highly recommended) may be necessary on some parts to smooth faint print lines and very small indentions where the print supports were located.